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Terms & Conditions

General Terms & Conditions:

  1. Unforeseen add-ons or disbursements (eg 3rd party tools) will be charged in addition.
  2. Recurring payments for any ongoing, retained services for Managed Web Services, digital marketing or related campaign support will be invoiced at the commencement of the period to which they relate; monthly or annually.
  3. If the client fails to make payment by the due date, Root Creations shall suspend all support work in progress for the client until such payment is made during the month following. After a further full month of non-payment following the due date, Root Creations will trigger it’s own notice of termination for all managed web services; to be actioned in full within the 3 month period following the date of invoicing. Furthermore, Root Creations shall be entitled to charge interest upon the outstanding sums due at the rate of 5% above Barclays Bank base rate from the date payment was due until payment has been made in full.
  4. Upon notice of termination, all outstanding invoices relating to the outgoing service will be recorded as overdue and until payment has been made in full.
  5. In the event of the client becoming Bankrupt or (being a company) goes into Liquidation, then without prejudice to any rights or remedy available to Root Creations, Root Creations shall retain all its title and rights over work for which payment remains outstanding at the date of any such Order in Bankruptcy or Liquidation.


Digital Marketing Support - Terms of Service:

  1. Any digital media Ad spend for automated campaign payments is to be configured by the client’s billing admin at the campaign outset and in line with established budgets, unless otherwise agreed.
  2. Any additionally requested copy writing for articles, imagery or unique content, amends etc to be costed in addition, unless otherwise agreed.


Web & Design Support - Terms of Service:

  1. We will always attempt to reply to any support request or query by phone or by email within 24 hours of receipt, and endeavour to commence if not complete any basic support requests within 48 hours or upon sought task approval.
  2. Any delay or postponement in standard operational support will be communicated clearly and alternative support options put forward in response.


Managed Web Services - Terms of Service:

  1. Your data, privacy information, supplied access and properties are protected under our standard terms of service and security policy.
  2. We will never share your data with a third party unless permissions for use are explicitly agreed and withheld data expiration established.
  3. Your services are protected: if you are unhappy with the quality or delivery of our service, you will be reimbursed any Managed Web Service fees for the remaining period and offered support for migrating your services away (terms apply).
  4. A termination request for all Managed Web Services must be given with 1 calendar month notice. Root Creations shall be bound to act upon the request and action any reasonable outcomes within an established timeframe agreed with the client.
  5. Invoicing: Upon acceptance of the estimate, the client shall be invoiced the full amount at the commencement of the agreed service period ahead, in this case 12 months.